Club Member's novel about Republican presidential candidate opposed by his own party published this month

Club member Rick Pullen’s new political thriller, NAKED AMBITION, the story of a Republican presidential candidate opposed by his own party, is now available on Amazon.

NAKED AMBITION is an examination of dark money flooding into federal elections while spotlighting the struggles of journalists to uphold the traditions of theFourth Estate in a world of fast-changing rules of engagement. And it is an exploration into how the Constitution can be easily subverted to elect anyone president of the United States.

If it sounds close to current events, author and journalist Pullen admits it’s a coincidence. He started writing his novel, the first in a series of “Naked” thrillers, before the current presidential campaign. Kindle Press and Blair House Books published it on May 3. The marketing campaign begins June 1.

The novel is written on two levels: an entertaining international thriller racing against an Election Day deadline, and an examination of how Washington really works. NAKED AMBITION debunks the phony patriotism and political pandering of elected officials and shines alight on Washington’s one political truth: that the unlimited appetite for power is a full-time job.

Pullen is editor in chief of Leader's Edge magazine and has been a Press Club member since 1988. He is an award-winning investigative reporter and magazine editor. He lives in Old Town Alexandria. In 2015 he was a finalist for Editor-of-the-Year and is a member of the FOLIO100—the 100 most influential people in magazine publishing. For more background visit or Review copies are available at [email protected].