Club members' photo exhibit returns in September

The National Press Club will hold its 22nd annual members photography exhibit in September, returning the celebration of visual storytelling to the Club's main lobby. The annual show, conducted by Club's Photography Team, displays members' best photos in print and electronic form.

The exhibit features print photos posted on fabric panels in the Club's main lobby, with big-screen monitors showing electronic images in continuous slide shows, from Aug. 31 through Sept. 30. The exhibit's opening reception is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 9. An online catalog tells about the photographers, gives photo and image captions, and describes the stories behind the photos and images.

Photo exhibit logo

Club members wanting to take part in the exhibit should start reviewing their collections for entries. Members can enter up to four electronic images and two print photos, not entered in previous Club annual exhibits. Participants are urged to enter their best high-quality print photos and electronic images -- those that tell a compelling story or capture a special moment in time.

The Photography Team will start accepting exhibit entries in early August. Complete rules and specifications will be posted later this month. Questions? Contact Photo Team co-chair Alan Kotok at [email protected].