Club members receive 20% discount to 2018 PR Summit coming up July 19

PR Summit DC, the region’s premier full-day event addressing the disruptive convergence of communications, technology and media, is coming to the National Press Club Thursday, July 19.

The event is a must-attend for public relations, public affairs, communications and media executives focused on emerging trends and technologies that are creating a major shift in how organizations manage, report and distribute information. Club members receive a 20 percent discount on registration. Register online and enter promo code “TPC.”

The 2018 Summit agenda includes sessions on topics including Crisis Communications in the Information Age; Op-Ed Placement Tips from Top Editors; Fighting False News; From CSR to Social Leadership; findings from the new Pew Research’s Social Media Study.

The Club is a host-sponsor of the event, and Alison Kodjak, Club vice president and National Public Radio health policy correspondent, will also speak at the conference.