Club members recognized for volunteer service at annual Vivian Awards event

Holeman Lounge Vivians Dec. 15 2021

National Press Club Journalist and Communicator members tapped for special recognition were able to gather in person Wednesday, Dec. 15, in the Holeman Lounge to be recognized for their outstanding Club contributions in the second year of a global pandemic.

NPC President Lisa Nicole Matthews welcomed them back to the 13th floor with a rousing video tribute from the Club’s first woman president, Vivian Vahlberg. Wearing a hardhat, Vahlberg applauded this year’s winners of her namesake awards and reminisced about hosting then-Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi “despite our ballroom being turned upside down” during major remodeling. She established the “Hard Work and Inspiration Award” as the Club’s president in 1982; its successor is the Vivian Awards.

NPC President Lisa Nicole Matthews looks on as Vivian Vahlberg greets gathering virtually, wearing a hardhat. Photo: Alan Kotok
NPC President Lisa Nicole Matthews looks on as Vivian Vahlberg greets gathering virtually, wearing a hardhat. Photo: Alan Kotok

“This night is really all about you,” Matthews told her audience. “Everyone in this room should be proud of the contributions you’ve made to making the Club a place where news happens, a place that stands for press freedom, a place where people feel welcome, heard and included.”Matthews received 32 names after asking the Club’s Team leaders for Vivian Award nominations.  Additionally, she personally  singled out six members “for their noteworthy service” on each of their teams:

Matthews congratulates John Donnelly, chair of the Press Freedom Team, for winning the Berny Krug Award for long-term Club service. Photo: Alan Kotok
Matthews congratulates John Donnelly, chair of the Press Freedom Team, for winning the Berny Krug Award for long-term Club service. Photo: Alan Kotok

Mark Hamrick; Alicia Mundy and Gillian Rich; Lorna Aldrich and Bill Miller; and Will Lester.

Berny Krug Award: John Donnelly

The 2021 winner of the Club’s Berny Krug Award, which recognizes long-term service to the Club, is John Donnelly. He has chaired the Press Freedom Team about 18 years and is stepping back from a leadership role: “I’ve given a lot to this Club, but the Club has given so much more to me,” he said with visible emotion in accepting the organization’s highest volunteer honor.

The following teams named members for Vivian awards: Broadcast-Podcast; Scholarship; Events; Communicators; House and Bar; History and Heritage; Awards; Press Freedom; Photography; Headliners; Publications; International Correspondents; and Membership.

Matthews introduced each award winner with personal remarks Team leaders gave her about why that volunteer should receive an award. Some descriptions made the audience chuckle. One Headliners Team winner was described as “the Fauci whisperer.” For two years, she noted, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the world’s most in-demand speaker: “Thanks to Bill Pierce, the National Press Club has hosted him twice.”

Vivian Award winners:

Mike Hempen, Adam Konowe, Dana Brown Ritter, Mike Freedman, Celia Wexler, Erin Looney, Linda Kennedy, Jessica Mendoza, Debra Silimeo, Tom McMahon, John Perrino, Paul Minehart, Paul Merrion, David Vuich, Fay Iudicello, Carol Bennett, Rick Dunham, Maria Recio, Peter Urban, Christine Schiffner, Christy Bowe, Nancy Shia, Kevin Wensing, Elissa Free, Bill Pierce, Deanna McCray-James, Wes Pippert, Ken Dalecki, Louise Walsh, Gwen Flanders, Jan Du Plain and Jerry Pattengale.