Club Photography Team plans to learn congressional media gallery history today

The National Press Club's Photography Team plans to hear from the U.S. Senate historian at its next meeting, Wednesday, May 22, at noon in the Cosgrove Lounge. The event is free and open to NPC members, but reservations in advance are required.

Katherine Scott, Ph.D., the Senate's historian, is expected to tell how the photography and other media galleries began and evolved. She plans to discuss key events on Capitol Hill and developments in the media contributing to today's practices and relationships between the press and Congress.

Scott joined the Senate Historical Office in 2010 and became the Senate historian in 2023. In this role, she supervises all historical and archival projects, conducts oral history interviews with senators and staff, and provides tours and presentations on Senate history for the public and official Senate community. Scott earned her doctorate in U.S. political history from Temple University, with earlier degrees from the Universities of Washington and New Mexico.

The Photo Team meeting begins with lunch at noon from the Reliable Source, each person paying for their own selections from the menu, followed by Scott's presentation and question-and-answer session beginning at 1 p.m. Live audio of the event will be available for remote participants, with presentation slides distributed in advance. Scott's presentation is off-the-record and will not be recorded, nor will the presentation slides be distributed to non-Club members.

Senators meet with press on Capitol Hill in 1935