Club revives reporter/source happy hours

Nearly 40 journalists and communicators gathered in the Truman Lounge April 17 for a reporter/source happy hour. Hosted by the National Press Club Communicators’ Team, the event was designed to revive the Club happy hours geared toward convening journalists and communicators.

“While the two professions have always been closely aligned, nowadays it’s more important than ever to work collaboratively so we can all be more successful,” said Communicators Team member Mike Fulton of The Asher Agency. “We wanted bring members together in a fun and casual setting to get to know each other, better understand the challenges each profession faces, and learn how we can best work together for the greater good.”

“I met a lot of communicators I typically don’t get to interact with but who could be great resources in my coverage of the medical device and diagnostics industry,” said Danny Al-Faruque, senior reporter for MedTech Insight. “Besides the practical benefits of getting to meet communicators in my sector, it’s also really nice to socialize with members generally and broaden my network of friends.”

“Events like these are invigorating,” said Lisa-Joy Zgorski of the National Science Foundation. “They provide opportunities to have stimulating conversations and forge relationships with others who are committed to professionalism in journalism.”  

The team plans to host future happy hours and open them up to nonmembers to introduce more people to the Club’s many benefits, with the goal of attracting new members.