Club wants to award you $750 for your best political writing and analysis from 2019

The National Press Club wants to see the best political reporting and writing from 2019 for its annual journalism contest. The best work will be recognized by the Lee Walczak Award for Political Analysis.    
This award is named in memory of Walczak, a Washington editor, bureau chief and White House correspondent who worked for Bloomberg News and Business Week.
Entries should be one article or a series of no more than three articles on a consistent topic. Judges will consider entries that explain why things happen, putting them in context and look at what’s likely to happen next. The winner gets a $750 prize.  
Details on the different awards categories and how to enter the contest can be found by clicking here.
Entrants are encouraged to enter online, but the Club will accept entries mailed in the traditional way as long as they are postmarked before the deadline. The cost for an entry is $75 and it is free for club members. The deadline is April 15.
The awards dinner will be this summer at the Club.