Club welcomes 23 new members

Please welcome the following new members of the National Press Club:


Joann Weiner – Bloomberg LP, Tax Team Header; Andrew W. Clevenger – The Bend Bulletin/Western Communication, DC Correspondent ; Hazel Bradford – Pension & Investments, Reporter; Omar Karmi – The National Newspaper, U.S. Bureau Chief; Elaine King

Journalist Young Member

Tiffany Stecker – Environment & Energy Publishing, Reporter; Laura Petersen – Environment & Energy Publishing, Reporter; Julian Hattem – Yomiuri Shimbun, Washington Correspondent; Sara Schwartz – Washington Post Express, News Editor

Journalist Non-Resident

William Garvey(Ridgefield, CT) – Business Aviation, Editor in Chief; Debra Meade (Roanoke, VA) – The Roanoke Times, President & Publisher; Hector Moreno (Richmond, VA) – New Digital Video, Editor

Communicator News Source

Phillip “Marty” Callaghan – The American Legion Magazine, Media Marketing Director/Managing Editor

Communicator News Source Young Member

Kimberly Bender – Kimberly Bender Consulting, Owner; Melisa Augusto – National Farmers Union, Director of Communications; Jeanne Hoffman – Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University, Podcast Host, Kosmos Webmaster, Freelance; Menachem Wecker – George Washington University & Houston Chronicle, Instructor, Blogger.

Communicator Non-Resident

Surender Hastir (New Delhi, India) – Trans World Exports, Publisher, Editor; Praxedes Rivera (Rhinebeck, NY) – Carol Morgan School, Library Director; Eric Wynn (West Melbourne, FL) – Freelance


Oved Nativi – University of Maryland, Student