Club's independent authors to meet, 9:30 am Thursday

Are you an independent author sifting your way through the publishing, distribution and marketing processes?

Then don't miss the opportunity to share coffee, conversation and a discussion of those challenges with fellow indie authors at the National Press Club on Thursday, Jan. 10, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. in the McClendon Room.

To attend, you must be:

-- A current Club member.

-- Author of a book that is publicly available for sale (on Amazon, for instance). Print, ebook, POD and audio book formats qualify.

-- Independently published (i.e., not with a traditional publisher; If you have published using both the indie and traditional routes, you are welcome to join the session).

Contact Club member Ed Barks at [email protected] to reserve your seat. There is no cost to participate. If you have interest but are unable to attend on Jan. 10, email Barks so you can be advised of future gatherings.

This is a forum for independently published authors to discuss the business of authorship. The groups shares successes and challenges related to the writing, publishing, marketing and distribution of books.

It is not a forum to read your work aloud or to gain critique about your writing.