C'mon, Guess! What do John Cosgrove and John F. Kennedy have in common?

This Week in National Press Club History:

January 24, 1972: Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms. Magazine, tells a Club luncheon that women still are not taken seriously, and women in business are unlikely to be put in positions of authority over men.

January 26, 1938: Eleanor Roosevelt becomes a member of the Women’s National Press Club

January 28, 1961: John Cosgrove is inaugurated as Club president, and presents President John F. Kennedy with membership card number 2973, but only after he pays the $90 initiation fee. Both Kennedy and Cosgrove are sworn in by Chief Justice Earl Warren.

January 29, 1971: Louis Armstrong performs for the last time at the inauguration of Club president Vernon Louviere.

This Week in National Press Club history is brought to you by the History and Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions, lectures and the oral history project.

For more information on History and Heritage Committee activities or to join the committee, contact Bill Hickman at [email protected].