Coast Guard public affairs director plans to address American Legion Post 20, Jan. 30

Rear Admiral Peter Gautier, director of governmental and public affairs for the U.S. Coast Guard, will be guest speaker at a luncheon meeting of American Legion Post 20, which is associated with the National Press Club, at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 30, in the Club's McClendon Room in the Reliable Source.

Gautier is responsible for engagement with Congress, the media and intergovernmental entities. He plans to discuss Coast Guard public affairs priorities and challenges, as well as its responses to the Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico hurricanes. All Club members are welcome to attend the speaker portion of the meeting.

A graduate of the Coast Guard Academy, Gautier has served in the Coast Guard for 30 years. Prior to his current assignment he served as senior director for response policy on the National Security Council staff, where he coordinated policy for domestic incident management, national preparedness management and continuity of government.

Post 20 was founded in 1919, the same year the American Legion was started, and has been associated with the Club ever since. The Post was founded at the suggestion of famed World War I General John "Black Jack" Pershing, then serving in Washington, who was an associate member of the Club.