Communicator Team hosts breakfast with Club President Andrea Edney, June 13

The National Press Club Communicator Team is hosting a breakfast meeting with Club President Andrea Edney on Wednesday, June 13, to learn about her 2018 goals and share ideas about working together on the Club’s mission.

The breakfast session will be held from 8 - 9 a.m. in the Cosgrove Lounge. It is free to members, but registration is required.

Edney’s day job is with Bloomberg News, where she has spent most of her business journalism career. Before being elected the 111th president of the National Press Club, her leadership at the Club has included being vice president, treasurer and secretary as well as scholarship committee chair.

“I believe this is a crucial time for the Club to help strengthen journalism and its role in our country,” Edney said last year during her campaign. “In addition to the important press freedom efforts we have underway, I plan to work with our National Press Club Journalism Institute on professional development in areas such as investigative reporting and advance serious discussion on topics like the importance of objectivity in journalism.

“Because of the good stewardship of previous years, the National Press Club is financially healthy and has never been more able to support the needs of its members. I'd like to build up our teams and committees to craft new professional and fellowship opportunities for you, our members. Your involvement in the Club and its activities is what makes the Club great.”

The National Press Club Communicator Team hosts monthly professional development continental breakfasts sessions for journalists and communicators that are free to Club members. A member may bring a guest who pays a $10 fee at the time registration. The fee will be refundable if the guest becomes a Club member.