Communicators “Candid Conversations” series kicks off Aug. 4 with discussion on racism

The recent killing of George Floyd dramatically changed the communications landscape. Communicators are being called on to write messages for their leadership and clients to express solidarity with the rising racial justice movement that has spread quickly across the country and the globe. Doing so requires introspection and honest conversations before putting pen to paper.

A virtual panel discussion sponsored by the National Press Club Communicators Team on Aug. 4 will focus on how to best navigate these conversations internally and externally. The free Zoom session will begin at noon and end at 1 p.m.

You MUST RSVP: Obtain an invitation for the session  by sending an email to Edward Segal at [email protected] and he will send you the meeting  code and password.

Panelists include:

  • Priscilla Clarke, President & CEO at Clarke & Associates who has  represented clients including Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray and organized and lead historic marching including those with the late Congressman John Lewis.
  • Crystal Borde, Vice President and Diversity & Inclusion Practice Lead at Vanguard Communications who applies a diversity, equity and inclusion lens to her PR counsel for nonprofit and government agencies.”
  • Sean Greenwood, Grand Poobah of Public Relations at Ben & Jerry’s who has seen the triumphs and tribulations of leading with your values during his three decades with the company. 

Lisa Matthews, Club vice president and assignment manager, U.S. video at The Associated Press, will serve as moderator. Questions  may be submitted in advance to Karen Addis at [email protected] and may also be submitted during the event via Zoom.