Communicators Lunch and Learn: How to write and place opinion media, Jan. 12 at noon

Two professional writers will discuss how opinion media are powerful tools for persuading target audiences during a virtual Lunch and Learn session hosted by the National Press Club Communicators Team on Jan. 12 at noon.

Sam Ryan and Robby Schrum of Keybridge Communications will review the best practices for crafting newsworthy opinion media and explain the elements and process of pitching them to editors for placement in newspapers and on websites. Admission to the virtual session is free to Club members. However, advance registration is required. Click here to register.

Ryan and Schrum have written opinion articles that have appeared in many national news outlets, including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. They also advise clients of their public relations firm on how to develop materials such as opposite-editorials or op-eds, which are articles that provide the views by subject matter experts and traditionally appear opposite the editorial page in newspapers.

Keybridge Communications was founded in 2003 as a boutique firm specializing in writing and placing op-eds. Today, the firm has a successful track record of op-ed, editorial and letter placements to help clients get their messages in front of target audiences, including consumers, lawmakers or voters.

“Opinion media drives the public debate – and enables our clients to expand their footprint, sway attitudes and achieve their strategic goals,” according to the firm’s website.

This presentation will be conducted by Zoom. Participants will receive a unique link to access the virtual session after completing registration.