COVID-19 discussion May 19: How details tell story of this pandemic

Join Washington Post reporter Jessica Contrera and Indiana University professor of practice in journalism Kelley Benham French for a discussion of how details tell the story of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Registration is open for this National Press Club Journalism Institute webinar, which will take  place from 11:30 a.m. to noon, Tuesday, May 19.

May 19 discussion on selecting details for impact COVID-19 stories.

Contrera is a reporter for The Washington Post's local enterprise team. She reports on people whose lives are being transformed by major events and issues in the news. Benham French teaches reporting and writing at all levels and is narrative and special projects editor at the USA TODAY Network.

They’ll discuss how to consistently collect and select compelling details that evoke emotion and help convey the impact of the novel coronavirus on people’s lives. Learn to identify the moments that compel readers toward a story’s purpose, and hear how to connect the reporting and writing process with our collective ability to understand what this pandemic means.

The first part of this program will feature a 15-minute conversation between the writers. The second part of the program will be a 15-minute Q&A with participants.

This discussion is part of a series of community conversations hosted by the Institute. See upcoming discussions here.

Recordings of previous programs are available:  

Contact Journalism Institute Executive Director Julie Moos with questions.