CSIS analyst talks Afghanistan and great-power rivalry on Update-1 podcast

How reliable was the intelligence the United States received as it planned its withdrawal from Afghanistan? And what is the future of that country after the U.S. and its allies pull out? Those are some of the issues covered in the latest edition of Update-1.

Broadcast/Podcast Committee member Irv Chapman talks with Emily Harding, deputy director and senior fellow with the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Along with analyzing the Biden administration's exit strategy and the collapse of the Afghan government, Harding discusses the possibility of Al Qaida being part of Afghanistan's future leadership and the chances of a civil war breaking out there. 

Headshot of Emily Harding

Mike Hempen produces Update-1. Besides listening on the Club website, Update-1 can be found on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher, TuneIn and Spotify by searching for “NPC Update-1.” Comments about any Update-1 podcast may be sent to [email protected].