Dallas Fed president to address COVID-19 testing, economic recovery, July 13

Photo of Dallas Fed President Robert KaplanBusiness owners across the country – from restaurants and specialty shops to beauty salons and fitness centers – have dramatically changed the way they operate in order to help stem the tide of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even with all of these new protective measures and protocols in place, however, the question remains: As businesses reopen their doors, will their customers feel comfortable enough to come back?

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President and CEO Robert S. Kaplan will deliver a live national address Monday, July 13, on why he believes continuous and widespread testing for COVID-19 is the key to restoring consumer confidence and jump starting America’s economic recovery. He also will discuss his outlook for the U.S. economy for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021.

This one-hour program will stream live at 1 p.m. ET as part of the National Press Club’s Virtual Newsmaker series. It is accessible to both the media and members of the general public free-of-charge. Please click here to view the livestream.

Kaplan’s remarks will be followed by a moderated question-and-answer session with Club board member and Marketplace host/correspondent Kimberly Adams. Viewers are invited to submit their questions for Kaplan via email to [email protected]. Our moderator will ask as many questions as time permits.