D.C. government order temporarily ends in-person dining at Club due to coronavirus

The National Press Club has been forced to suspend indoor dining under new rules from D.C. Mayor  Muriel Bowser designed to control the spread of the coronavirus. In addition, non-essential business activities will be suspended until Jan. 15.

To comply with this order, the Club will be taking the following actions:

Temporary suspension of indoor dining for restaurants and banquets. Take-out and delivery will continue to be available from the Club’s online store with pick-up curbside. There will be no food consumed at the Club in any dining room or lounge until the mayor’s order is rescinded. This includes coffee and other beverages that require the removal of a mask for an extended period.

The member breakfast service will be suspended until the mayor’s order is rescinded Jan. 15.

Members and staff coming to the Club will be restricted to those engaged in “essential activities.” Essential activities include the act of cooking food for takeout and the logistics around takeout; covering or producing news and information on behalf of a news organization or broadcast enterprise; sufficient office staff as required to sustain the business of the Club. 

Members who wish to enter the Club must make a reservation at least 24 hours in advance. Admission will be by appointment only. Members will be asked to confirm at the time of reservation that their activity at the Club is an essential activity as described by the mayor’s order.

All client events at the Club must also meet the standard of essential activity and will not include food or beverage other than takeout.

We hope this new order by the mayor is met with compliance throughout the community and that we all emerge, after this period of restricted activity, healthy, safe, and able to begin more normal activities again. Until then, we at the National Press Club will do our best to comply with the new order to ensure the safety of the Club, its members, and staff. 

This is a sobering reminder that even with the approval of vaccines and the launch of inoculations, we must remain vigilant in protecting ourselves and all of those with whom we come in contact as we bring this most challenging year to conclusion. 

On behalf of the Board of Governors, I offer heartfelt thanks to the management and staff of the National Press Club for their perseverance, dedication, and courage throughout 2020. And most sincere thanks to our members around the world for your loyalty and for your support of our Club, our profession, and press freedom.  We wish you all healthy, safe and peaceful holidays and a bright 2021.