On deadline? Learn tips for writing in short bursts during Wednesday program

Focusing in short bursts, May 27, 11:30 a.m. to noon, NPCJI program.

Many writers find themselves on deadline with limited time, space and attention during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and resulting crises. Join the National Press Club Journalism Institute and the National Association of Science Writers for a webinar that will offer tips for creating a writer-friendly physical space, finding your focus, and developing new tools to write in short bursts.

Our speakers include Lane DeGregory, a Pulitzer Prize-winning enterprise writer at the Tampa Bay TimesDeborah Netburn, a science and feature writer at the Los Angeles Times; and Marla Broadfoot, a science writer with a PhD in genetics who also authored the “Ask the Scientist” column for the (Raleigh) News & Observer

Registration is open for this conversation, which will take place from 11:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday on Zoom. There will be time for audience questions. 

This discussion is part of a series of community conversations hosted by the Institute. Future sessions include:

Contact Journalism Institute Executive Director Julie Moos with questions.