Democratic candidate Williamson seeks change in budget allocations, mindsets

Marianne Williamson
Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson answers questions on Oct. 24th, 2019 at the National Press Club. Photos: Julie Ann Pixler


Marianne Williamson, a Democratic candidate for president, advocated change in government budget allocations and mindsets at a National Press Club Headliners Newsmaker event Oct. 24.

Asked about her lack of political experience, she responded, “Experienced politicians brought us here and created Donald Trump.”

She said she is advocating for the people in order to end poverty, hunger and violence. She cited three million abused children and more millions hungry and homeless every day. She called for moral and ethical leadership to help and serve the people.

Williamson proposed a Department of Peace that would concentrate on children, education, reparations, criminal justice and climate control. She said she aims to revive existing agencies and cultivate a paradigm shift in thinking. She said that the agencies already exist to address her targets.

Her goal is to create advocacy in the EPA,FDA, CDC, FAA as well as among in industry leaders.

When asked how “change without chaos” could be achieved, the said that budget allocations would be changed along with mind sets.

In an effort to help people thrive she would reallocate dollars to social services and education, she said. She proposes taking funds from the military budget and using them to increase skills training, increase opportunities for women and reeducate people who have lost jobs.

She would see that teachers concentrate on ending illiteracy, which leads to incarcerations, she said.
