Diplomatic Pouch features NPC's South African Night

The National Press Club's South African Night honoring the "Life, Values and Legacy of Nelson Mandela" has been featured in a 1,000-word article along with photos in the Diplomatic Pouch, the email newsletter produced by The Washington Diplomat.

The article and photos by Audrey Hoffer can be accessed at:

The article reported on every aspect of the two-hour program organized by the International Correspondents Committee on Nov. 26: the opening traditional South African gumboot dance; recollections by former NPC President Gil Klein of Mandela's October 1994 luncheon appearance; South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool's speech on Mandela's reconciliation efforts to unite the country; a panel discussion featuring Edward Perkins, the first U.S. black ambassador to South Africa from 1986 to 1989; Charlene Smith, a South African journalist and author of two biographies of Mandela, and Phillip Van Niekerk, a journalist in South Africa during the country's transition to democracy, an art exhibit and the tasting of South African food delicacies prepared under the direction of NPC Executive Chef Susan Delbert.