Discussion on book about women politicians moved to Wednesday

The event featuring former political reporter Teri Finneman and her book, "Press Portrayals of Women Politicians, 1870s-2000s," has been moved to Wednesday.

The event will take place at 6 p.m. in the McClendon Room. The book discussion initially was scheduled for Friday.

In her book, Finneman analyzes newspaper coverage of four pioneering female politicians between the 1870s and 2000s to understand how media discourse of women in politics has and hasn’t changed over 150 years. In addition, she offered historical context of the political, feminist and journalistic cultures that influenced how reporters covered these women.

Finneman, a former political reporter for The (Fargo) Forum, analyzed nearly 1,300 news articles from newspapers across the country to write the book. She was the 2009 Kaplan fellow at ABC News and now works as an assistant professor of journalism at South Dakota State University. She is also a contributing author of A Companion to "First Ladies; Cross Cultural Journalism: Communicating Strategically About Diversity;" and "Swinging for the Fences: Black Baseball in Minnesota."

The event is free to members and their guests. Books will not be available at the talk but can be purchased online here. The discount code is LEX30AUTH16.

For further information, contact Ferdous Al-Faruque at [email protected] or 573-239-3343.