Documentary film, showing how women reporting sexual assault are treated, to be screened TONIGHT

The documentary film "Victim/Suspect,"  will be screened at the National Press tonight (April 11) at 6 p.m.  The film shows how women who report sexual assault to the police instead are arrested for filing false reports.

The showing will be followed by a panel discussion with journalist Rae de Leon, filmmaker Nancy Schwartzman and film participants Emma Mannion and Dyanie Bermeo.  

Reserve your space for the screening here.


"Victim/Suspect" chronicles de Leon’s investigation into a disturbing pattern: young women report sexual assault to the police but instead of the perpetrators being brought to justice, the women are arrested for filing a false report. 

Working for The Center for Investigative Reporting, de Leon’s exhaustive research uncovered a surprisingly large number of these cases nationwide. Re-examining law enforcement , de Leon unearths telling recordings of police interviews with victims. Featuring firsthand accounts from numerous young women as well as interviews with police, investigators, and legal experts, Victim/Suspect raises crucial questions about how the criminal justice system views and treats sexual assault victims.