Don't miss out on your gingerbread cookie! Reserve now for the Children's Holiday Party, Dec. 8

Have you been naughty or nice? Score some nice points at the National Press Club's Annual Children Holiday Party on Saturday, Dec. 8.

Santa likes to prepare in advance to avoid paying the elves overtime so make your reservations now. Click here to reserve your spot.

Festivities begin at 11 a.m. with a great buffet that includes something for everyone: corn dogs, hamburgers, French fries, and fruits and veggies for the reindeer.

Once you've had your fill, you can get on the dance floor and move to the music played by our DJ and led by our talented Cloggers.
Don't forget to stop by and say hello to Santa!

Wait - there's more! You have to decide if you want to get your face painted first or decorate a ginger bread cookie to take home -- both are really fun!

Remember, everyone must make a reservation to attend this great event. Tickets are $10 per person.

See you at the party!

Contact Joann Booze, 202-662-7532 or [email protected] for more information.