Drone Warfare Expert to Address NPC American Legion Post March 23

Richard Whittle, author of "Predator: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution," will address a luncheon meeting of National Press Club American Legion Post 20 at noon on Monday, March 23, in the McClendon Room. All NPC members are welcome to attend the speaker portions of Post 20 meetings.

Whittle, former chairman of the NPC's Newsmaker Committee, spent five years conducting hundreds of interviews for his book about the revolutionary technology that has changed the nature of warfare and is having an ever-increasing impact on civilian life.

The author is a Global Fellow in International Security Studies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and is a former fellow at the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum. He is a former Pentagon correspondent for The Dallas Morning News and Congressional Quarterly and is a frequent contributor to national publications and broadcast outlets on defense and foreign policy issues.