Early Voting in Club Elections Opens

Club members can vote for candidates in NPC elections from Wednesday, Nov. 17, by casting an absentee ballot in the membership office on the 13th floor.

The membership department will check and validate each member who wishes to vote absentee.

Members also can request that an absentee ballot be mailed to their residential addresses by phoning Sarah Driggs at (202) 662-7511 or by e-mailing [email protected].

Voting will take place in the Club from 8 a.m. To 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 10. All completed absentee ballots must arrive at the NPC by mail, messenger or in person by the time polls close.

Sample ballots for all the elections can be viewed on the Club bulletin board by the Reliable Source Bar and at:

For the Journalist members: http://press.org/sites/default/files/journ_ballot.pdf

For the Communicator members: http://press.org/sites/default/files/comm_ballot.pdf

The statements of the candidates can be viewed at: http://press.org/candidates

-- Myron Belkind, Club secretary, [email protected]