Eleanor Herman reigns at Book Expo America 2015

National Press Club member Eleanor Herman, a bestselling author and member of the NPC's Book & Author Committee, was quite a sensation at this year’s Book Expo America (BEA) held at Jacob Javits’ Center in New York City on May 28-31.

Herman appeared at BEA to promote and sign copies of her first historic-fiction young-adult novel, Legacy of Kings: Blood of Gods and Royals published by Harlequin Teen.

Dressed in a splendid white and gold gown, Herman alternately signed and sipped from her golden rhyton, an exact replica of a royal 5th-Century drinking cup. Her autograph line was an impressive number of excited and squealing young women eager to get a good look at Eleanor and a signed copy of the book.

As convention attendees entered the massive central hall of the Javits Center, hanging from the ceiling was a huge banner that read Legacy of Kings by Eleanor Herman.

Herman's costume and regal appearance also caught the eye of the Wall Street Journal. The latest to jump on the Legacy bandwagon is hypable, which says the book will fill the void left by Game of Thrones.

The book will be available Aug. 25. She plans to debut it at an NPC Book Rap on Wednesday, Aug. 26. Click here to buy tickets and pre-order the book for her to sign.