Encore presentation of Club-produced radio show, 'It’s a Wonderful Life," released

An encore presentation of Marty Bufalini’s “It’s a Wonderful Life: The Radio Show,” an adaptation of the classic story, will air on the National Press Club's website at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Dec. 21, and subsequently on demand.

It also again will be offered by the CBS Radio Network to its 600-plus affiliates nationwide, and will be featured on the American Heritage website.

The story revolves around George Bailey who, exasperated by life's challenges, wishes he'd never been born. Granted his wish by his guardian angel, he learns the positive impact that each of our lives has on so many others.

The program was produced by the Club in association with CBS Radio Network and American Heritage Magazine.Photo of 2021 taping of Club-produced 'It's a Wonderful Life'

The cast includes many voices familiar to the Club and to radio listeners across the country, including Past Presidents Mark Hamrick and Lisa Nicole Matthews, Sam Litzinger, Dan Raviv, Debra Silimeo, Irv Chapman, and Barbara Porter.

“Radio remains the most intimate of all media, allowing listeners to create the scenes in their own imagination as they hear the voices, sound effects and music,” said former Club President Mike Freedman, the show’s executive producer. "And this program reminds us of all that we have to be thankful for."

The program was directed by Bufalini and the Club's P. Scott Graham, who also produced it. The engineer was the Club's Randy Hall. Original sound effects were provided by Dante Bufalini.

Photo of director leading 'It's a Wonderful Life' production.

The Club originally produced the play in 2020 as part of its celebration of the centennial of radio during Freedman's presidency. Due to COVID-19, that program was produced via Zoom and premiered on the Club's website on New Year's Eve.

With conditions improving last year, the cast on Dec. 4, 2021, produced the program on site at the Club's Broadcast Operations Center, which provided network-quality audio.

The 63-page script was recorded by 19 Club members. The sound effects, music, open/close and breaks were added in post-production.