Events Team plans programming with focus on fall

Although the National Press Club is closed for events for what Club team leaders and staff members hope is a short period, the Events Team is continuing to work toward building programming for when the crisis subsides. 

“We had some really fun events lined up but we are rescheduling them for later,” said Carmen Russell-Sluchansky, co-chair of the Events Team. “As a profession, we are accustomed to adversity so we see it as an opportunity to regroup and focus on the future. The upside is that we are looking at having a packed fall season.”

Russell-Sluchansky added: “No less important, we want to reinforce NPC’s position at the forefront of our industry with proactive, practical strategies gained from diverse leaders. This challenging time, while an obstacle in the short term, serves as an opportunity for journalists to assert themselves as critical to a free society. As a profession, we are accustomed to adversity.”    

Latino thought leaders

The National Press Club Events Team is looking to build on the success it had last fall with a panel that introduced leading Latino sources to reporters.


The lineup of events that have been postponed includes a dance performance by an internationally renowned professional troupe; a visit by the Washington National Opera; a jazz show, and; of course, pub trivia and karaoke. All programs will be rescheduled.

The Events Team also is looking to expand offerings with more events that engage Club members and potential members in thought-provoking, cultural and fun activities. Social events include timely topics of interest, happy hours, film screenings, and other events that encourage professional networking, access to information, contacts, and opportunities presented by the Club.

The team also hopes to expand Club-led events that promote the critical value of journalists and communicators in society, Russell-Sluchansky said.

“We want to encourage journalists and communicators to interact to develop ties that hopefully will benefit both groups,” he said. “We hope to spark diversity initiatives throughout the Club with thoughtful events and grow the NPC diversity/inclusion platform."

For example, the team is looking to build on prior successful events such as last year’s “Communicators and Journalists Build Beneficial Relationships with U.S. Latino Thought Leaders” (video) and the recent showing of the award-winning documentary “The Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords.”

“Our goal is to connect journalists and communicators and top thought-leaders of underrepresented U.S. communities to advance diverse voices and perspectives throughout the journalist and communicator professions,” said team co-chair Aileen Schlef.

Russell-Sluchansky and Schlef said they plan to start having virtual meetings in the next few weeks to start planning but also to brainstorm ideas for potential virtual events. Club members interested in joining the Events Team can sign up here. Members are also invited to contact the co-leaders at [email protected] and [email protected].