Ex-ambassador to address Club's American Legion Post 20, April 21

Veteran U.S. diplomat Joseph DeTrani will discuss national security and foreign policy challenges facing President Obama's successor at a luncheon address on Thursday, April 21, to National Press Club's American Legion Post 20.

All Club members are welcome to attend the speaker portions of Post 20 meetings beginning at noon in the McClendon Room.

DeTrani is president of the newly established Daniel Morgan Academy, a D.C. graduate school serving the national security community. He is a former president of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance and a former director of the National Counter Proliferation Center for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

He was the Department of State's special envoy for negotiations with North Korea with the rank of Ambassador and has held numerous posts at the Central Intelligence Agency, including director of East Asia operations, director for European operations, director of technical services, director of public affairs and executive assistant to the CIA director.

DeTrani served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force after graduating from New York University with a degree in economics. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute of Strategic Studies, and has published numerous articles on North Korea, China, Iran, cyber-espionage and nuclear proliferation.