Ex-Army Ranger to speak at American Legion post Thursday, Jan. 17

Blake Hall, a former U.S. Army Ranger and Iraq War vet, will speak at a luncheon meeting of American Legion Post 20 on Thursday, Jan. 17, about efforts to help the family of his slain Iraqi interpreter immigrate to the U.S.

Hall, who led a reconnaissance platoon in Iraq between 2006 and 2007, says the family faces danger in Iraq and should be allowed to come to the U.S. under the Refugee Crisis in Iraq Act designed to help those who aided the U.S. during the war. Hall's highly praised interpreter,a teenager when working for U.S. forces, was killed in a house bombing in 2008.

Hall has been trying unsuccessfully to arrange for visas for the interpreter's family. The former Ranger is founder and chief executive of Troop ID, an online service that verifies military service.

The Post 20 luncheon meeting will begin at noon. Hall will begin his remarks at 12:30 p.m.