Exhibit your best work at NPC: Members photo exhibit entries due Aug. 6 to 24

It's time to select your pictures for entry into National Press Club's 19th annual members' photo exhibit. Members' print photos and electronic images for the exhibit are accepted from Aug. 6 to 24, and will be on display in the Club's 13th floor lobby from Aug. 31 to Sept. 28.

Members can submit up to six pictures for display: four electronic images and two print photos. All pictures must be the member's original work, taken only by the member, and not displayed in previous Club exhibits.

The Club's Photography Committee, which sponsors the exhibit, seeks top-quality electronic images and print photos representing the members' best work.

Full guidelines, including deadlines, can be downloaded from the Photo Committee's web page here.

Here are common questions and answers about the exhibit:

Q. Is this a photo contest? Are entries judged?
A. Not at all. The annual exhibit is a celebration of visual storytelling by Club members. There is no judging, nor are prizes awarded.

Q. Is the exhibit open to amateur photographers?
A. Absolutely. In fact, most participants in the exhibit are amateurs, along with professional photographer colleagues.

Q. Can I participate in just the print or electronic exhibit, but not both?
A. Yes, you can take part in either the print or electric exhibit, or both exhibits if you like.

Q. Can I submit the same pictures for the electronic and print displays?
A. Yes. Either or both of the two photos submitted for the print exhibit can be displayed in the electronic exhibit. But they cannot be photos or images displayed in previous members' exhibits.

Q. Must the pictures entered be news photos?
A. No. All kinds of electronic images and print photos are welcome. Last year , we had images and photos of landscapes, seascapes, wildlife, sports, city streets, and rural life, as well as from news events. The key factor is high quality, with images and photos representing special moments, scenes, people, or events.

Q. Do the pictures displayed need to be recent, or within a specified time period?
A. No. Older print photos and electronic images are welcome, as long as they meet the exhibit guidelines. Last year, for example, we had some compelling images displayed from the Vietnam War, taken in 1968.

Q. Can I send in electronic images taken on my phone?
A. Yes. Images taken on phones and other mobile devices are accepted. Remember that electronic images will be displayed on big-screen monitors in the club's lobby, so your entries will need to fill up a large space. We ask that you follow the guidelines from the Photo Committee's web page, particularly recommendations for larger images that are wider rather than taller in orientation.

Q. Can I submit photos that are already in frames for the print exhibit?
A. No. Frames and glass are not accepted. Print photos in the exhibit are hung on fabric display panels, attached with Velcro, so they must be light in weight. Matted mounting and foam-core are the display methods used most often. A Wire story last month tells more about preparing photos for the print exhibit, including links to DIY videos.

Q. I have photos that some people may find objectionable. Are there any restrictions on content?
A. Keep in mind that people of all ages and many backgrounds walk through the Club's lobby. We ask that exhibitors respect visitors' sensibilities, since in most cases they are on the premises to attend events or meetings, not to see a photo exhibit. The Photo Committee reserves the right to remove any photo print or electronic image it considers inappropriate.

Q. I have a friend who took some great pictures, but is not a member of National Press Club. Can that person's pictures be displayed?
A. No. Participation in the exhibit is one of the privileges of membership in the Club. If your friend can join before the Aug. 24 deadline, we'll be glad to accept those images.

More questions? Contact Alan Kotok at [email protected].