Fall is back and so is Pub Quiz: Thursday, Sept. 14 in Cosgrove Lounge/Games Room

As football season kicks off, hurricane season swirls up and Congress stokes more hot air, it’s game on for the National Press Club’s Pub Quiz, which will take place this Thursday, Sept. 14, at 7:00 p.m.

Pub Quiz, which normally takes place in the Truman Lounge, will be in a new location this week: The Cosgrove Lounge/Games Room. Yes, the room with the huge glass window overlooking the Club lobby will be trivia central for an evening of merriment, knowledge, food, drinks and prizes galore. Make sure to reserve a space and invite your friends, family, colleagues and/or fellow Club members (four players per team, please). Coming alone? Fear not. Pub Quiz emcee Marc Wojno will put you on a team; a great way to meet fellow Club members and make new friends.

But don’t start Pub Quiz on an empty stomach! First, make sure you and your team attend the Spanish Buffet just a few steps away in the Reliable Source Bar & Grill, which starts at 5:30 p.m. Sample the cornucopia of Spanish-themed entrées and desserts artfully prepared by the Club’s Executive Chef Susan Delbert and her culinary team! Coming late? Bring the meal in to Pub Quiz which is immediately next to the kitchen. For more information, or to reserve, please contact Mesfin Mekonen at 202-662-7443, or [email protected].

Pub Quiz and Spanish Buffet…Happy days at the National Press Club. Olé!