Fall Membership Meeting, 6 pm Oct. 8

The autumn Club membership meeting will be at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, in the Holeman Lounge.

President Alan Bjerga and other officers will give reports on the Club's operations.

The membership also will be asked to approve the following changes recommended by the NPC Board:

  • Amend the Constitution to add the president of the Eric J. Friedheim National Journalism Library Board as an ex-officio member of the National Press Club Board of Governors.

  • Approve changes in the Constitution and Bylaws to streamline and rationalize the Club's membership category structure. The new approach reduces the complexity of the Club's current 12 membership categories and 49 sub-categories while giving greater recognition to the contributions of the Club's non-journalist members through a name change from the current associate/affiliate categories to "Communicator." The current active category is changed to "Journalist." The revision does not change who can qualify for Club membership, but the goal is it will make membership more accessible and easier to navigate for both existing and prospective members.

A complete list of the proposed membership category changes is posted on the bulletin board in the Reliable Source and is available here:

Constitution - http://cfc.press.org/members/secureDocument.cfm?docID=434

Bylaws - http://cfc.press.org/members/secureDocument.cfm?docID=433

The meeting will be webcast to ensure access for non-resident members and others who cannot attend in person.

The time has been changed to 6 p.m. instead of noon to accommodate members who work during the day and are unable to take a break midday. There will be a dinner buffet instead of the traditional sandwich buffet served at lunch.

-- Myron Belkind, Club secretary, [email protected]