A food time was had by all attending Photography Team's dinner & learn event

Food-travel photographer and discussion leader Jennifer Chase describes food photography that pops.


What is more delicious than a chef-prepared dish that is tantalizingly displayed on the plate, whetting the appetite? Quite possibly, it's a photograph of the same, made all the more tantalizing by the light and shadows a skilled photographer can employ to make the texture of the ingredients pop and the juices and sizzle stand out. A visual creation that causes the mouth to water.

Jennifer Chase uses a portable lighting device during her talk.

The National Press Club's Photography Team on Wednesday, July 20, tested the possibilities in the Cosgrove Lounge, looking at some of the Club chef's creations, turning to look at Washington, D.C., food and travel photographer Jennifer Chase as she demonstrated lighting techniques, looking back at the food, turning the information over in their minds, soaking in a tip from Chase, pondering a beef tip on a plate.


At least, that was the goal: to get tips on producing outstanding food photography.

Chase had portable video lighting, and participants tested it out. She said that it's needed in many restaurants that use subdued lighting for mood, so that when doing a photo shoot you're able to enhance the colors and textures of the food subjects. That means getting more of a sense of what's "in there" than most people who are dining there will see.


Sharon Kotok holds a portable video light for Celeste McCall.


Then there was a three-course dinner for participants to practice their newly learned skills on before partaking and sharing what they learned with others over the meal.

The goal was to have Chase help participants shoot better food photos that capture more colors and textures, and set them at interesting angles against a variety of backgrounds. Hats off to the Club kitchen for preparing a few interesting and photogenic sample dishes for practice shots.

A very good food time was had by all.

The program and dinner were open to all NPC members and their guests, whether on the Photo Team or not.

The Photo Team's next event is the annual members photo exhibit that runs during September. Entries will be accepted starting Aug. 1. Watch The Wire for more information about entering and the exhibit.

Questions? Contact Photography Team co-chair Alan Kotok.


A sample dish created for the Club's food photography event.