Foreign affairs expert outlines top 2020 stories tomorrow

The National Press Club's International Correspondents Committee has organized a talk by a former White House foreign affairs adviser on the top 10 global conflicts that he expects to become major stories in 2020,

The event on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 9:30 a.m. in the Bloomberg Room features Robert Malley, president and CEO of the International Crisis Group (IGC).  

Attendance is free for Club members and accredited press -- but you must register for it. The fee is $5 for non-members. To register, click here.

Malley served at the National Security Council in the Obama administration. He plans to offer analysis of what journalists and others can expect this year in a world more polarized, fragmented and dangerous than ever. He also served in the Clinton administration as director for Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs at the National Security Council and helped organize the 2000 Camp David Summit.

The ICG is an independent organization working to prevent wars and shape policies that aim to build a more peaceful world. Founded in 1995, it has offices and staff around the globe and a presence in the most volatile conflict zones.

For more information, and a registration code for members who are reserving a spot, contact Carmen Russell-Sluchansky at [email protected].