Foreign correspondents to discuss challenges, opportunities of journalism in Africa, tomorrow

African journalists will discuss the difficulties they encounter as reporters who challenge their governments at an International Correspondents Committee virtual event Tuesday, May 4, at 9 a.m.

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Photo of Muthoki Mumo and Hopewell Chin'Ono

The committee will host Hopewell Chin'Ono, a Harvard University-trained Zimbabwean journalist, and Muthoki Mumo, a Kenyan journalist and Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) representative in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Chin'Ono has worked for The New York Times, BBC and CNN. In the course of reporting on COVID-19, he has been arrested three times in five months and is free on bail. Amnesty International has accused the Zimbabwean authorities violating Chin'Ono's human rights

Mumo became CPJ's Sub-Saharan representative in 2018. She previously worked for six years as a journalist with the Nation Media Group, covering a variety of beats from East African Community integration and regional trade to technology and telecommunications for the Business Daily and Daily Nation.