Former NPC President Mark Hamrick named SABEW President

Former National Press Club President Mark Hamrick, Washington bureau chief and senior economic analyst at, has been named president of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW), an organization of business journalists.

Hamrick joined the SABEW Board of Governors in 2014 and has held the positions of secretary, treasurer and vice president.

“I’m humbled and honored to have the opportunity to serve SABEW members and the profession at this critically important time for our industry and our nation," Hamrick said. "The rapid pace of change, including the ongoing digital transition, affords opportunities for new and agile media enterprises, but is also prompting others to downsize.”

“Our priorities include providing support, including networking opportunities and training, sought by our colleagues in business and financial journalism as well as other stakeholders. We’ll also look to advocate where appropriate for our profession,” Hamrick stated.

Hamrick joined personal finance site in January 2013 after leading business news for the Associated Press radio and television/online video operation in Washington for many years.

In his role as senior economic analyst for, Hamrick translates developments in the economy, financial markets, politics and business, providing commentary and expert analysis for radio, television, print and online publications. He hosts regular 60-second personal finance features for CBS Radio and has been a contributing columnist for the New York Daily News.

Before joining the SABEW board, Hamrick served as 2011 president of the National Press Club in Washington. It was in that capacity that he hosted World Press Freedom Day, organized by the U.S. State Department and the United Nations Foundation, held that year for the first time in the U.S. He also hosted dozens of top-notch VIPs who spoke at the Club, including Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke, billionaire inventor Elon Musk, CNN founder Ted Turner and NBC anchor Tom Brokaw.