Former White House press secretary Dana Perino to speak at Headliners event, March 30

Dana PerinoFormer White House press secretary and current Fox News contributor Dana Perino will discuss her newly released book, “Everything Will be Okay: Life Lessons for Young Women (from a Former Young Woman)” at a National Press Club Headliners event noon Tuesday, March 30.

The one-hour program will be streamed live on the National Press Club’s website as well as the YouTube Channel.  It is accessible to both the media and members of the general public free of charge. To access the livestream or download a calendar invitation, click here.

Perino will discuss how young women in the workforce, from newly minted graduates on the job hunt to seasoned professionals, can make the next big leap up the corporate ladder. Perino was the just the second woman, and first Republican, to serve as White House press secretary. She first joined President George W. Bush's administration in 2001 as a spokeswoman for the Justice Department and took her place at the White House podium in September 2007.

Questions for the speaker must be submitted in advance to [email protected]