Freelance Committee to host end-of-year social hour Dec. 18

Join the Freelance Committee as it toasts the winter holidays, Thursday, Dec. 18, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the McClendon Room.

The committee has been busy in 2014, hosting panels on freelancing as a business, custom publishing and ghostwriting, to name a few of its events. It also been promoting National Press Club freelancers to editors through the online freelance listing.

This is an opportunity to meet fellow freelancers and trade tips on how to make a living in the evolving business of journalism. If you’re new to the Club, or new to freelancing, you are especially welcome. Come learn what the Committee does, offer your ideas for 2015 and get involved.

The event is free to members, and appetizers will be provided. Click here to RSVP so that the committee knows how many to expect.

For more information, contact Tam Harbert, Freelance Committee chair, at [email protected].