Freelance committee meeting, Sept. 6

The Freelance Committee is revving up for some awesome activities over the next few months, including another Freelance Workshop.

We need your input to make them as useful, relevant and fun as possible. Please join us at our next committee meeting, Sept. 6, noon to 1 p.m. in the McClendon Room at the Club.

Some of the items on the agenda:
•Now that we have a listing of freelancers on the NPC website, how do we promote it to editors?

•What other writers groups can the NPC Freelance Committee work with to create stronger programs for independent journalists?

•Plans for a free tour of the Club for freelancers, potential members

•Panels on entrepreneurship, book writing and blogging

•Fall Freelance Workshop

Come and share your ideas on how the Freelance Committee can help journalists in today’s competitive market. Please RSVP to Tam Harbert, [email protected].