Freelancers Sought to Cover Neuroscience 2017 Nov. 10-15 is on the hunt for interesting, surprising, and engaging news stories coming out of Neuroscience 2017 Nov. 10-15 in at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown Washington, the largest gathering of neuroscientists in the world. It is looking to commission original stories in the following topic areas:

The teen brain
The opioid crisis and mental health
Prostheses and robotics
Animals in research
The neuroscience of decision-making
The immune system, the microbiome, and the brain
The brain and motherhood

These stories will be short pieces (400-500 words) highlighting new science at Neuroscience 2017 and aimed at a lay audience. Writers must be able to file stories and respond to edits quickly. Pay is $500 for each story as assigned. will not be covering travel expenses, per diem, hotel/housing or other related expenses for this assignment. Assignments will require registration as press at Neuroscience 2017. The registered press have access to a wide range of resources; see them all by clicking here.

To apply, please submit a short statement of interest (less than 250 words) and two writing samples demonstrating skill in science writing for a lay, non-technical audience to [email protected].

Deadline for applications is Monday, Oct. 16.