Gallo play "Eugenio" to appear on Broadway Jan. 16

This fact-based, two-act drama deals with the period in Italy during the Holocaust when 1500 Jews were sent to their deaths at Auschwitz. The drama touches on the role of the Church and the Holocaust, and examines forgiveness amidst three conversions. Rome's aloof and scholarly Chief Rabbi Israel Zolli loses faith following the apparent slaughter of his Polish family. He receives asylum in the Vatican, where he comes to appreciate Jesus as God suffering for humanity. The Rabbi rediscovers faith and converts to Roman Catholicism. This is seen as a betrayal of his spiritual duty and a defection to the age-old enemy. Was his conversion one of conviction or merely gratitude? What does he demand at his baptism that eventually removes a major symbol of discrimination? For more information, contact Gallo at [email protected] or 202-544- 6973. Visit the web page describing the performance here.