Game on for *virtual* Pub Quiz this Thursday, 7 p.m.

Welcome to the Dog Days of Summer 2020, where the heat and humidity are as oppressive as the ennui of social distancing and endless work-related Zoom meetings. We get it, these are tough times. But there is a silver lining surrounding the latest dark clouds of uncertainty: Virtual Pub Quiz is still on for Thursday at 7 p.m.

Take a break from the daily drudge by gathering your friends this Thursday evening for virtual trivia – free of charge – with your fellow Club members and friends. Online registration is easy: Before you know it, you’re all set. (Don’t have a team? Don’t worry. Just register yourself and the Club will team you up with other players.)

Pub Quiz has been a staple of the National*Press Club for more than 15 years, in both good and not-so-good times. Don’t let this summer be a bummer. Stay indoors, stay cool, gather your friends online and line up your favorite drinks and food and play *Virtual* Pub Quiz.

See you soon!