Get in on the early membership renewal discount

Thank you for continuing your membership to The National Press Club. Our exceptional members are what make the Club the world’s leading professional organization for journalists.

The NPC has had another remarkable year! We hosted world renowned speakers, featured timely newsmakers, continue to provide outstanding professional development programs and key networking events for career enhancement.

In addition, we presented the 17th Annual Beat the Deadline 5K and honored Charlie Rose with the Fourth Estate lifetime achievement award. We hope you are enjoying what the Club has to offer in 2014.

In preparation for the next year, we are offering a special early bird renewal opportunity. If you renew in full by December 15, 2014, then you pay the 2014 price and avoid the dues increase.

To renew now, please send an email to [email protected] and indicate your interest in the early bird renewal option. We will send you your dues invoice. If you are on the monthly payment plan you will need to change to annual to receive the discount.

If you have any questions regarding your membership, please contact a representative in the Membership department by calling the main business line at (202) 662-7500 and asking for membership or by sending an email to [email protected].

Thank you, again, for your membership and for making The National Press Club the world’s leading professional organization for journalists.

Marc Wojno
Membership Secretary