Get hands on with LinkedIn Thursday

LinkedIn, a popular social networking siting for professionals, is more than an electronic Rolodex. It’s a powerful tool that can help you move up the career ladder by landing new sources and clients.

Find out how you can use it to achieve your professional goals Thursday, Nov. 15, at the National Press Club by attending a workshop hosted by Anthony Shop, managing director of Social Driver, an award-winning digital agency.

Sponsored by the NPC Communications and Marketing Committee, the workshop will be in the Fourth Estate Restaurant. It will start with breakfast and networking at 8 a.m., followed by the program from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Shop, an NPC member, will demonstrate how to research people and companies on LinkedIn, thus building your network and enhancing your online presence. He also will help you determine those situations when LinkedIn is not effective.

Admission is $25 for NPC members by using the promotion code “NPCLINKEDIN.” Click here for more information and to register.