'Get It Online' lunch discussion tomorrow to tackle PR measurement

Topic of the next "Get It Online" lunch discussion series is “Smart PR Measurement for the Digital Age” tomorrow, Dec. 4, in the Games Room.

PR practitioners have more measurement tools than ever before -- so many, that they don't know what to do with most of them. And no matter how good a tool is, you still need smart people using it in a smart way, to derive the most benefit.

In this session, you will learn the basics of good PR measurement and, conversely, the seven deadly sins of bad measurement. We’ll discuss and how to differentiate between fact and fiction in the measurement context and which two acronyms to stay far away from.

Shonali Burke, of Shonali Burke Consulting, will be the speaker. She is a social PR strategist who rebuilt the ASPCA’s communication function and instituted its award-winning measurement program.

The "Get It Online" series brings experts in social media and digital communication to the National Press Club for a members-only lunch discussion. Burke will deliver a short presentation, and then answer questions and lead a discussion.

Members and guests should plan to be seated in the game room by 12 noon. The cost of the event includes a buffet lunch, water and iced tea, tax and gratuity. The cost is $15 for members and $75 for non-member guests. To register, click here.

The event will conclude by 1:30 p.m.