Get rid of 'ums' and 'ahs': National Press Toastmasters Club meeting Aug. 24

Would you like to enhance your communication effectiveness and take your journalistic skills to greater heights? Get rid of those “uhms” and “ahs”? Tame your nerves when you speak in front of people?

If so, consider joining the National Press Toastmasters Club. You can learn about the club by attending its meeting at the NPC at 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 24, and by clicking here.

For less than the cost of three weekly cups of coffee, the Toastmasters program can help you polish your public speaking presence and prepare you for any occasion you find yourself in, and face an audience of any size.

Toastmasters has been at the National Press Club for 31 years and has helped train many a distinguished speaker. One of our members recently won the Washington, D.C., area international speech contest and went on to compete in Malaysia.

The National Press Toastmasters Club meets at the NPC at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Drop in and see what it’s about!

For questions about joining Toastmasters at the National Press Club, please contact Angela Bradbery at [email protected] or 202-588-7741.