Get tips from Club volunteer photographer Noel St. John at Photo Team luncheon, Wednesday noon

The Club's ace volunteer photographer, Noel St. John, will speak at the next meeting of the Photography Team, Wednesday, Jan. 24, at 12 noon in the Cosgrove Room.

This event is free and open to all National Press Club members and their guests.

St. John, the Team's photo coordinator, is a familiar presence at Club events and is responsible for many of the photos that accompany articles on the Wire and the Club's home page. He will speak on tips and tricks to improve your iPhone photography. Photo Team co-chair Alan Kotok will chair the luncheon meeting.

The meeting will convene at noon. Lunch will be available for purchase at the Reliable Source buffet. The program will start at about 12:30 p.m. and wind up around 1:30 p.m..

No RSVP is required, but an indication of whether you plan to attend is always appreciated.