Get your photos ready for NPC's Members' Photo Exhibit; deadline Aug. 11

It's time to start sorting through your collections to find the best images to display in this year's members' photo exhibit at the National Press Club. The exhibit is the Club's annual celebration of visual story telling among its members. It's not a contest; there's no judging or prizes awarded. Images will be on display in the Club's main lobby during the month of September.

This year, the exhibit will feature both print and electronic displays. As before, members should enter photos that have not been previously displayed in Club or Photography Team exhibits. Images may be color or black and white, and we ask members to exercise good taste in selecting subjects to display in a public venue.

Because of space restrictions, the print exhibit this year needs to limit entries to two photos per member. As before, entries in the print exhibit can have a maximum overall size -- print and mat -- of 11"x14". Prints must be securely mounted on sturdy mounting board. If matting is used, it must be securely attached. All titles, descriptions, and signature, if you wish, must be put on the front of the mat or photo. No glass, frames, or canvas prints are permitted.

Entries for both the print and electronic exhibits are accepted between July 31 and Aug. 11. The full set of rules for the print exhibit may be downloaded from the Photography Team's web page here. Member log-in required.

Photos in the optional electronic exhibit will be displayed on the Club web site and in a slide show with the print exhibit. Members may enter up to four images in the electronic exhibit. As with the print exhibit entries, these images should not not have been previously entered in Club or Photography Team exhibits, but they may include one or both of the photos entered in the print exhibit. Entry procedures and rules for the electronic exhibit will be posted shortly, but we ask that members enter full-scale high-resolution still images. Please no GIfs, animation, or video.

Questions? Contact Alan Kotok at [email protected]